Brink's 24SEVEN Overview
Digitize your cash management process.
Accessible online and on mobile devices, 24SEVEN provides a single place to request deposits, order change and track your cash in near real‑time.
24SEVEN provides end‑to‑end cash visibility with more convenience than ever before.
Accessible online and on mobile devices, 24SEVEN provides a single place to request deposits, order change and track your cash in near real‑time.
Audit variances quickly, reduce paperwork, and maximize your working hours.
Complete your most essential transactions online. Simply place your 24SEVEN deposit bag into your Brink's Box to complete a deposit, and order change conveniently through the platform.
Follow your deposits and change orders from your mobile device or desktop computer.
Brink’s Inc (本社アメリカバージニア州、1859年創業)の日本支社である、ブリンクスジャパン株式会社(東京都港区 代表取締役社長:小牧忠浩)は、この度、寺田倉庫株式会社(東京都品川区 代表取締役社長:寺田航平 以下、寺田倉庫)と業務提携契約を締結いたしました。