Tradeshow Services - Brink's Japan
Trade Show Services
Trade Show Services
Our trade show services manage every level of the supply chain for diamonds, jewelry.
Trade Show Services Overview
Focus on what matters most — your customers and your sales.
Let Brink's Global Services provide convenient, end‑to‑end security during trade show events and expedite the process of moving your inventory across the globe.
Asset Publisher
Customs Clearance
If you are importing goods for exhibition, let Brink's work with government agencies, e.g., Carnet clearance into the U.S.
Risk Consulting
Our experts can help you solve security and logistics challenges and optimize your risk management process as a whole.
Armored Transport
With security and reliability in mind, Brink's transports all cargo in armored vehicles operated by highly-trained personnel.
All-Risk Insurance
Rest assured, all your shipments handled by Brink's are covered by our comprehensive cargo insurance policies.
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Brink’s Inc (本社アメリカバージニア州、1859年創業)の日本支社である、ブリンクスジャパン株式会社(東京都港区 代表取締役社長:小牧忠浩)は、この度、寺田倉庫株式会社(東京都品川区 代表取締役社長:寺田航平 以下、寺田倉庫)と業務提携契約を締結いたしました。